Climate Change

Social Media (Tik Tok/ Twitter) Talking on Climate Change

As we can see from this tik tok, this person is bringing information from one social media (twitter) to another about climate change. It is very easy to pass around information through all the different social media platforms, and with that it starts a trend of people sharing their own opinion and leads to a greater chance of false information/misinformation. In the video he has gathered a bunch of different posts people have made, and a lot of the posts relate in a way that climate change has many false predictions being made. A lot of the predictions that are on the internet have been the same ones for years that turn out wrong. Not only does this video being on tik tok allow it to reach anyone it also allows anyone to comment or converse in the comment section which can create even more incorrect speculations. There are thing being commented like “I stopped believing sea levels were rising when…” or “Funny how we are ‘conspiracy theories’, but when IMO people believe all these lies…” and also “Climate change is a term they use when global cooling and warming backed fired when they spread it about scaring everyone”. We can see that people engage with their own opinions allowing matters to become worse. A lot of people think a lot of this information about climate change is being given to use it just to worry the people. This is a way of misinformation that is being shared with the public, people share their "conspires" creating lots of fake news. In the text “Foolproof” it states, “ Although social media clearly did not invent propaganda or polarization, it has changed the nature of the game. Social media has fundamentally reshaped the flow of information in society. Specifically, it has changed the speed with which information can travel, the number of people that can be reached with a single click of a button.” Which is exactly what is happening here with climate change, in a way creating propaganda and misinformation.

