Category: Conspiracy Theories- CONSPIRE
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Kurt Cobain – Unsolved Mysteries
(Bardem, 2014) This article dives into the death of grunge rockstar Kurt Cobain which shook the world in 1994. Cobain's official cause of death was ruled as a suicide. This ruling was found due to various reasons: 1. Cobain was a known drug user. After his autopsy he was found to have a 'near-lethal…
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UFOLOGIST CLAIMS TO FIND TWO ALIEN CORPSES (Peralta, September 13th, 2023) Seeing the title of this, right after the United States government announced the existence of Aliens is bound to send people into shock. This article uses a flashy title to get people’s attention, without ever really saying if these two bodies found really are aliens. If you don’t do any…
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May 16, 2016, by John Davis The entire article attempts to use "math" to explain how the gravity of the earth proves that it is flat. When, in reality, they are just using pseudoscience that doesn't actually make sense to try to explain their point of view. They just want to use whatever numbers…
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From election to COVID, 9/11 conspiracies cast a long shadow
Author: DAVID KLEPPER When reading this article I was able to get a full understanding of how much of a negative impact misinformation and disinformation can have on people. Another thing that is important to mention is how the internet can help spread false information. For example in the article it states, "Polls show…
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Mandela Effect Conspiracy Explained
"A viral phenomenon has taken the internet by storm, having people question what’s real and what’s not. Many people have vivid memories of certain logos, quotes or brand names being one way and are confused when they find out that something they believed to be true, isn’t. This is what is now referred to as…
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Modern Flat Earth beliefs
Modern Flat Earth beliefs – Wikipedia,and%20assertions%20are%20not%20based%20on%20scientific%20knowledge. It is misinformation because it conflicts with the overwhelming quantity of data that shows the Earth is an oblate spheroid, the notion that the Earth is flat is regarded as false knowledge. This proof comes from a variety of sources, such as celestial body observations, the appearance of…
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Nurse faints while talking to press about getting COVID-19 vaccine
Steinbuch, Yaron. “Nurse faints while talking to press about getting COVID-19 vaccine.” NY Post, 18 December 2020, Accessed 10 October 2023. This article implies by the title and the first few paragraphs that the Nurse has passed out due to the Covid vaccine she just received. Many people are against the vaccine and…
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Taylor Swift Grateful Kanye West Controversy Taking Heat Off New Swastika Tattoo This image uses clickbait to trick viewers into believing that Taylor Swift had a new swastika tattoo on her face. This ties in the concept of emotion because Taylor is very well known and her fanbase and support from many people is incredibly large, so seeing something like this image can be emotional at…
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BEYONCE Stomach Folding Video Ignites Pregnancy Controversy It shows parts of a video interview Beyonce was in that may cause suspicion of her being pregnant. People were spreading rumors about her covering something up, like using a surrogate instead of carrying the child herself.
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Anti- vaccine activism
Guess, Andy; Aslett, Kevin; Tucker, Joshua; Bonneau, Richard; Nagler, Jonathan (2021). "Cracking Open the News Feed: Exploring What U.S. Facebook Users See and Share with Large-Scale Platform Data". Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media. 1. doi:10.51685/jqd.2021.006. ISSN 2673-8813. S2CID 236598470. Archived from the original on 2023-06-02. Retrieved 2022-08-31 Anti-vaccine activism is organized activity designed…
as well as the impact it has had on public health, especially in recent times. It also discusses the efforts to counter anti-vaccine activism and misinformation. Overall, its various forms and tactics, The theme of the article on anti-vaccine activism is the organized and often misguided resistance to vaccination, the theme revolves around the challenges posed by anti-vaccine movements to public health and the importance of addressing vaccine hesitancy with accurate information and education., which can lead to vaccine hesitancy and the spread of misinformation or disinformation about vaccines. The article explores the historical origins of this activismSubmitted by: