Category: 6 degrees of manipulation- DEPICT
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Instagram lies This story is using propoganda.
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Vaccines caused baby to pass? While the baby in this story did unfortunately pass, it was not because of vaccines.
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POLAR BEAR SURROUNDED BY GARBAGE- GLOBAL WARMING This photo is clearly not real. But without any information given, it leads the viewer to believe this is an actual condition the polar bear lives in.
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The ONLY two things we need to do to defeat climate change
Tik Tok There are cheaper alternatives to using nuclear energy such as solar power and onshore wind. It is also said that for cars to be electric, the materials to be made requires the heavy use of fossil fuels.
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Climate Change
Twitter There is a difference between weather and climate. Global warming doesn’t stop it from being cold. Scientists referring to climate change are talking about the broad temperature shift across the entire Earth’s surface over a long period of time. The coolness can just be weather with day-to-day variation.
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Twitter coment
This user is talking about how climate change is not real when there is much evidence that would suggest otherwise.
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